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[Letter to Clara Breed from Katherine Tasaki, Poston, Arizona, February 5, 1944]
[Letter to Clara Breed from Katherine Tasaki, Poston, Arizona, February 5, 1944]
[Letter to Clara Breed from Katherine Tasaki, Poston, Arizona, February 5, 1944]

[Letter to Clara Breed from Katherine Tasaki, Poston, Arizona, February 5, 1944]

Mediumpaper, ink
DimensionsH: 8 in, W: 5 in (sheet); H: 3.625 in, 6.5 in (envelope)
Credit LineGift of Elizabeth Y. Yamada
Object number93.75.31EE
February 5th, 44/Poston, Ariz./Dear Miss Breed,/Thank you very much for your letter and the information. I'll put it to use right away./I don't quite know about the candy. It's made from something the Chinese and Japanese eat./I don't know the real reason about my legs. It's just that whenever I walk around 10 minutes, they start hurting at the joints. I've had the doctors look at it, but they don't say anything./I don't miss school too much. Once my teacher sent home our reading and arithmetic books. I made up everything in reading, but I didn't know my group was already at decmal fractions. If I did, I would have studied that too. /At school, we are divided up into groups. There are three arithmetic, and four reading. Naturally, one is the highest. (we go by numbers in arith.) But in reading, D is the highest! It just works backwards./I was very happy when I learned I was still in one-D./My pen-pals have increased a great deal. I have eight now, and I hope to get some more./They are all very nice, and write interesting letters. Not the kind our fifth grade teacher told us to: When we write, just keep on one or two subjects./In the Feb. "Pic" magazine, there were some pictures of San Diego. Mostly were women though, because the title was: San Diego--A Women's Town./I saw one picture of a lady that must have been a Yellow Cab driver. Her cap showed that./Another lady had a "Qaulitee" cap, and had a basket of milk bottles./There was one picture of some ladys crossing a street. In the background was the Owl Drug. By racking our brains out, we came to the conclusion that it was on fifth and C. where the bus stops./So many people are going out, that this place will be know as a "ghost" town. My favorite cousin went out to Chicago, and her brothers going to join her soon. Many people went out from our block because they can go back to Arizona. However, new people come in once in a while, so it isn't such a dreary place./I wish the children wouldn't learn such bad words. The big boys say them, and the little boys learn them. Every thing "we older children" do, they pick up. That's why they should get out of here./The hot weather has come back again all of a sudden, and with full force. Every body is fixing their coolers and fans. At least a cool wind blows./"Hello" to everyone, and thanks for the advise./Love,/Katherine;1 letter and envelope from Katherine Tasaki to Clara Breed.

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