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Oyama, Matsu
Oyama, Matsu
Oyama, Matsu

Oyama, Matsu

BiographyMrs. Matsu (Saito) Oyama was born in Fukushima-ken, Date-gun, Mutsuai Mura, on February 18, 1889. She died on March 20, 1980 at 91 years old. She was married to Torasaku Oyama in 1914 and bore 9 children. The oldest daughter died when she was 9 years old. Torasaku died in 1928, July 17 at age 63, leaving Matsu, 39, pregnant with the ninth child who was born on December 12, 1928. She supported her 8 children by taking in laundry from the plantation bachelors. The youngest child who never knew his father now resides in Torrance, CA.
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